East Fork Pine Creek before restoration
East Fork Pine Creek after restoration

Status: Complete


The Pine Creek watershed covers approximately 79 square miles that feeds the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River at Pinehurst. The watershed includes the East and West Fork of Pine Creek and tributaries.


Since the end of the 19th century, land use changes, including mining and removal of large cedar trees, led to channel instability and high bedload in Pine Creek. Channel width of many stream reaches increased more than 50% since 1933, indicating channel instability harmful to fish species. The trustees funded the Pine Creek Stream Restoration project as part of the 2007 Interim Restoration Plan.

Restoration Completed:

The Pine Creek Stream Restoration project improved channel stability and fish habitats in 13.6 stream miles. The project installed two culverts and numerous flow deflectors, and treated two major streamside sediment sources. The project also placed over 21,000 riparian plants and trench-planted over 5,000 nursery plants.


Riparian plants and flow deflectors reduced sediment runoff and stabilized the banks to a more natural condition. The plants provide shade for cool water while the flow deflectors provide pools and riffles. All these characteristics are important for quality fish habitat.


Doug Evans
Natural Resource Specialist
Coeur d'Alene Field Office
Bureau of Land Management


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