Big Creek Fish Passage Barrier Removal
Status: In Progress
The project is located Big Creek approximately 3.15 miles upstream from Big Creek’s confluence with the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River. The project is located with Shoshone County, Idaho. The coordinates of the project are 47.492437 , -116.069980. The project is adjacent to National Forest Road 264, and is downstream of the West Fork Big Creek.
The project will improve fish passage within the Big Creek watershed and allow access to clean and cool habitat for spawning and rearing. Big Creek is the second largest watershed in the South Fork Coeur d’Alene Subbasin. The project will target one fish passage barrier and open approximately 27 square miles of the Big Creek watershed, restoring watershed function. Water quality in the Big Creek watershed is good (supported by DEQ BURP electrofishing data and water quality data collected by applicant) and would provide refuge from the warmer and contaminated South Fork Coeur d’Alene River. Cutthroat trout and sculpin have been surveyed within the watershed (DEQ electrofishing data from 1998, 2011 and 2014).
Restoration Completed:
Funding was awarded in January 2024, project planning is underway.
The project will provide clean and cool refuge to fish from the warmer contaminated South Fork Coeur d’Alene River. Removal of the dam will provide access to 27 square miles of the Big Creek watershed that has been blocked from fish migration due to the height and water velocity created by the dam. Big Creek is the second largest watershed in the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River Subbasin.
Rebecca Stevens
Coeur d’Alene Tribe
424 Sherman Ave., Ste. 306
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
p: 208.667.5772