Partner on a Project
Once the Restoration Plan is developed and individual Trustees issue their Record of Decision (ROD), there will be a movement toward project development. It is at this phase that individual restoration projects can take place. At any time between now and then you can submit any project ideas that you have. Additionally, you can partner with us on the development of a project.
The easiest way to partner with us is to volunteer to help with on-the-ground work that will take place at a particular project site. Many projects will have opportunities for people to participate. This is great for individuals, families, schools, and many other groups that would like to participate in the natural resource restoration process. Project work will not take place until a Restoration Plan is developed and adopted. However, you can contact us now and we can keep you informed of the Restoration Plan process and any projects that come up to maximize your ability to participate!
Many groups have a unique expertise that can be useful toward a specific natural resource. Whether your group has a unique understanding of waterfowl or fish habitat, or any other natural resource, there may be an opportunity for you to participate with us at a planning level when it comes to projects.
Cost Sharing
Many groups are already engaging in project level work for our natural resources. Your group may find that it has project interests that correspond with our mission toward natural resource restoration. If this is the case, there may be opportunities to leverage funds through a cost-sharing approach.
If you desire to partner with us on a project, please contact us with your information at